
Markets & References

More than a hundred reference sites in France and abroad

Markets & References

Work on numerous
facilities in all kinds
of industries

CTP environnement's main markets

Both in France and abroad, we mainly work on facilities such as:

  • Incineration plants
  • Thermal power plants
  • Nuclear power plants
  • Refineries
  • Petrochemical plants
  • Chemical plants
  • Landfill sites

This is not a complete list so please don’t hesitate to contact us about your particular issues, we are always looking for challenges and opportunities for innovation!

Our equipment and flexibility allow us to work on all kinds of decontamination and cleaning projects.

Make your selection

Offline cleaning of cogeneration boilers and treatment of effluent produced

Offline cleaning of economiser in cogeneration boilers using our Neutrol® process combined with the Geofloc® process - dewatering and neutralising the effluent produced

Our client, a major player in the production and supply of electricity in Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada), handles the generation and distribution of 80 % of the energy consumed in the province.

United States

Heater / Furnace cleaning during a shutdown

Offline cleaning of a convection section in a petrochemical plant using our Neutrol® process

CTP environment America performed an operation on a plant belonging to one of the world’s largest chemical groups where various chemicals are produced using oil by-products. The operation involved cleaning a convection section during a shutdown.


Treatment of radioactive effluent from a nuclear power plant’s reactor building

Online dewatering of sludge generated by the hydrodemolition of concrete blocks

CTP environnement was asked to define and implement a solution for treating effluent generated by the partial demolition of a reactor building’s structure for subsequent renovation. The effluent in question was liquid sludge containing mineral matter (demolished concrete) and metal (descaled steel) at a concentration of 5 to 20 g/L.


Chemical cleaning of an air-cooled heat exchanger for a nuclear plant’s pool water

Descaling a cooling tower by chemical circulation

CTP environnement’s teams were contracted to clean a 12 m (39 ft) long and 4 m (13 ft) high heat exchanger, which equated to approximately 2 tons of residue, primarily made up of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).


Refinery’s rainwater tank cleaning and dewatering

Tank cleaning and sludge dewatering using the Geofloc® process

Our client, a major Spanish oil company asked CTP ambiente to clean the refinery’s rainwater tank. As the estimated volume of sludge was around 4000 m3 (5235 yd3), the operation involved providing a solution that minimized the volume of sludge to be disposed of, thereby reducing costs.


Rendering the groundwater on a former industrial site compliant before being discharged

Water treatment using a mobile clarification bundled with a sludge conditioning/dewatering unit: Geofloc®

A major player in all areas of the construction sector - property development, design and construction of all kinds of buildings - contacted CTP environnement for the treatment of groundwater on a former industrial site before discharging it into the municipality’s sewage system.


Clearing sludge from a retention basin

Pumping and dewatering using geotextile membranes

Our client needs to drain the sludge from the retention basin on its production site every year, to ensure its plant runs smoothly, while complying with the standards for discharges into the natural environment.


Station by-pass for maintenance

Industrial and sanitary effluent treatment using a biological mobile unit plus Aeromobil®

A major actor of the chemical and petrochemical world industry in South America and the United states has consulted CTP ambiental to by-pass its BIOX station located on Rio de Janeiro, currently dealing with effluents issued from its production of both thermoplastic resins and of polypropylene.

United Kingdom

Energy from waste site: cleaning of air cooler condenser

3 successful online cleaning campaigns

A site burning 600,000 tons of waste annually has awarded CTP environment UK for performing the cleaning of its Air Cooler Condenser (ACC). The ACC system consists of twelve motors with A-frame design.


Annual cleaning of the water loop in thermal power plant

Mechanical cleaning of the cooling tower and steam condenser during shutdown

Every year, our client cleans the water loop on its production site to:

  • Comply with the statutory requirements for cooling towers
  • Restore the steam condenser performance to its original level

Internal Chemical treatment of a stripping column

Cleaning the stripping column’s internal packing using chemical circulation

A major player in the chemical industry asked CTP environnement to clean the packing in a stripping column on its production site. Previously this had been carried out by removing the packing and mechanically cleaning it in a washing area

United Kingdom

A comprehensive treatment solution during a production shutdown

Chemical cleaning followed by effluent treatment using a physico-chemical unit with lamellar settling: Clearflow®, combined with a Geofloc® dewatering process

A major UK player in the O&G asked CTP environment to perform specific work during a maintenance shutdown.


Treatment of effluent generated by cleaning the condenser at a nuclear power plant

Removal of metals using a physico-chemical Clearflow® mobile treatment unit

Steam condensers in nuclear power plants are made up of several smaller condensers, which themselves comprise approximately 21,000 metal tubes circulating cooling water. Due to the hardness of water drawn from the natural environment, the cooling tubes are subject to regular and significant scaling and need to be cleaned using ultra-high-pressure water jets (UHP).


Online cleaning of air coolers

Cleaning the air side of air coolers using the Decamex® process

A large steel-making complex asked CTP environnement to solve a recurring problem: because of an extremely dusty environment, the air side of air-cooled heat exchangers used for cooling oils become clogged and less effective.


Chemical circulation during a maintenance operation

Passivation of the steam generation circuit - fired heater for a steam cracker

Our client discovered holes in heat-exchangers within the steam generation circuit for 3 fired heaters of a steam cracker unit. He conducted thickness checks which revealed a loss in the thickness of tubes and the presence of corrosion on the hot side of one heat exchanger. After repairs involving metal work and boiler work, CTP environnement was contracted to carry out pre-passivation on couple pieces of equipment - two fired heaters and after the replacement of the third fired heater.


Online fire side treatment of industrial furnaces

Online cleaning of 4 furnaces using the Neutramex® process

France’s largest refinery asked CTP environnement to clean 4 furnaces within the site’s cracking unit. Due to the use of fuel that causes clogging, these facilities require regular maintenance to recover design operating data.


Rendering waste fire-fighting water compliant

Effluent treatment using a physico-chemical Clearflow® mobile unit before discharge into the site’s biological treatment plant

A major fire broke out on our client’s site during maintenance of a waterjet tank. The fire-fighting water contained different concentrations of product and fire debris (soluble and insoluble carbon pollution) in addition to an emulsifier, which was usually biodegradable.


A mobile treatment solution to manage contaminated rainwater in a refinery

Effluent treatment using an Aeromobil® dissolved air flotation unit bundled with Geofloc® sludge dewatering unit

A refinery in south-east Asia suffered torrential rain during the monsoon season. A Remote Impounding Basin (RIB) is used to handle the stormwater runoff, prevent flooding and pollution of the nearby environment.
The refinery issued a call for tenders, in order to find a company able to further treat this contaminated rainwater stored in the RIB in line with the applicable discharge standards.


An innovative boiler cleaning solution

Dry cleaning using specific sand blasting

A major domestic waste incineration plant operator contacted CTP environnement in order to identify and customise dry cleaning solutions for 2 fired heater boiler units, each with a capacity of 50 T/hour.


A complete cleaning service with the replacement of cooling tower packing

High-pressure mechanical cleaning, packing replacement using a crane and waste disposal

Our client, a leading player in the chemical industry, asked CTP environnement to carry out mechanical cleaning of the cooling tower for the water supplied to its workshops, and to clean the tank (not including pumping out).


Cleaning cooling towers during a production shutdown

Mechanical cleaning of 4 cells and 2 tanks (hot and cold water)

During the periodic shutdown of part of its plant, our client contacted CTP environnement for the complete cleaning of facilities in which the method used could no longer be sustained because of changes to regulations.


Sludge clearing and dewatering for a final ATEX zone tank

Sludge dewatering using the Geofloc® process and geotextile membranes in a refinery

Our client, a major player in the refining industry, asked CTP environnement to clear out the final tank located close to their plant. The discharged effluent had created a build-up of sludge at the bottom of the tank of around 120 m3 (157 yd3) with 35 % dryness (estimate for an area of 200 m2 /2153 ft2). After draining and treating the supernatant water, the sludge accumulated at the bottom of the tank needed to be cleared and dewatered.


Treatment of pit water from a quarry

Effluent treatment using a mobile pH neutralization and flocculation unit: Neutramobil® Plus

In order to guarantee the continued operation of one of its French sites, a major mining and quarrying operator asked CTP environnement to manage its pit water. This water needed to be treated before being discharged in a sensitive area (Natura 2000). Acid and high concentration in suspended solid was the main concerns.


Metal reduction pilot test

Reducing traces of nickel, copper, zinc and aluminium from an industrial water treatment plant.

A major French automotive group asked CTP environnement to identify the best available technology for treating their treated effluent. The goal was to be compliant with requirements governing discharges of hazardous substances into water (French RSDE regulation), especially the metals traces.


Comprehensive service for cleaning a tank for the purpose of its reclassification

Mechanical cleaning of the inside of the tank and decontamination of its internal surfaces

Our client, a major player in the production of nitrogen fertilisers, asked a number of service providers to help it comply with the statutory monitoring requirements for a tank containing concentrated ammonia for the purpose of its reclassification.


Chemical cleaning of a boiler

Decoppering, deoxidation, pre-passivation and passivation of a water-tube steam boiler by circulation

An oil refiner recognised the need for chemical cleaning of a water side steam generation boiler as part of its maintenance programme.

New Caledonia

Chemical cleaning of a heat-exchanger

Tube side descaling of a steam condenser cooling water circuit

A thermal power plant in New Caledonia asked CTP environment Asia Pacific to carry out chemical descaling of a steam condenser.

CTP environment Asia Pacific developed an optimum chemical cleaning procedure, which incorporated effectiveness, in terms of the residue to be dissolved, as well as protecting the integrity of the materials exposed.


Online cleaning of air coolers

2 years contract at a LNG plant

An LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) plant contacted CTP environment Asia Pacific for a 2 years contract for air fin coolers online cleaning.


Online cleaning of air fin coolers

Decamex® process and comparative test

A cogeneration power plant hired CTP environment Asia Pacific for its expertise in chemical cleaning


Mobile effluent treatment solution to boost the capacity of the existing plant

Effluent treatment with a combined solution of biological and dissolved air flotation separation units: Biomobil® - Tank & Aeromobil®

A world class sugar industrial, based in France and in several other countries (Brazil, Romania, Indonesia, etc.), has asked CTP environnement to design and set up a mobile solution to treat effluents from production campaigns (beet base).


Additional effluent treatment solution to complete the existing plant

Complementary nitrogen treatment by a
Biomobil® - Tank mobile unit

A world class sugar industrial, based in France and in several other countries (Brazil, Romania, Indonesia, etc.), has asked CTP environnement to design and set up a mobile solution to treat the effluents from the production campaigns (beet base).


Effluent treatment solution to boost the capacity of the existing station

Treatment of effluents by a biological unit:
Biomobil® - Tank

A world class sugar industrial, based in France and in several other countries (Brazil, Romania, Indonesia, etc.), has asked CTP environnement to design and set up a mobile solution to treat the effluents from the production campaigns (beet base).


Online remediation of a cooling water circuit

Removal of hydrocarbons from the cooling water circuit by means of de-oiling and filtering

The cooling water system of a power generation site had become contaminated with hydrocarbon pollution.

This circuit, with a volume of 180 m3 (234 yd3), had a total oil and grease concentration of 320 mg/l with a maximum target of 10 mg/l, i.e. a target decrease of 97 %. The objective was to intervene effectively on this circuit without stopping production.


Bypass for the production of higher quality water in nuclear power plants

Supply of temporary solution including mobile tanks, physico-chemical treatment and filtration skid

CTP environment implemented a complete bypass of the site's high-quality water production. This production used river water and storm water as a feedstock. Once produced, it supplies the potable and demineralised water chain production of the site. Continuity and uninterrupted service is a necessity for the site.


REUSE of stripping effluents from nuclear power plant

Treatment of stripping effluent from a boiler structure in preparation for a surface coating renovation application

CTP environnement set up a treatment solution that provided the customer with several reuse options:

  • Recycling on an ultra-high pressure stripping unit with the following water quality constraints:
    T° < 30°C, pH 6-8, TSS < 5 ppm, COD < 20 ppm, metals < 5 ppm, conductivity < 1000 µS/cm2
  • Refrigeration of pre-treated water
  • Washing and rinsing water

Pilot treatment of mine drainage water at a steelworks site

Definition and sizing of a future treatment plant

CTP environnement was approached for a pilot project financed by the French water agency, with delegated project management, to treat the lagoon located at the edge of the site, which collected mine water, rainwater, cooling circuit purges, tertiary effluents and laboratory effluents.

22nd October 2024
CTP joins the French Coq Vert community

Proud to be a company committed to the ecological and environmental transition, we have recently joined this community of managers who are convinced of the need to take action.

21st October 2024
AQUARAMA in Leuven

We took part for the first time in AQUARAMA, a trade fair and conference on water technology for industry and the water sector in Belgium.

18th October 2024
CTP ambiente at the MMH trade fair in Seville

We were present at the fifth edition of the Mining and Minerals Hall (MMH), Europe's leading mining event, which took place from 15 to 17 October 2024 at the Seville Exhibition and Conference Centre (FIBES).
