
Industrial effluent

Cleaning effluent
Finishing treatment
Wastewater recycling

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Industrial effluent Cleaning effluent

of water

Industrial operations periodically or occasionally generate wastewater, which is not compatible with their treatment facilities and discharge standards. This is specifically the case for effluent from chemical cleaning, which is likely to be collected into temporary storage tank and sent offsite for disposal. Tons of water are carried by road (with all risks and costs associated) even though a minimal quantity of contaminants or hazardous compounds must be dealt with.

The perfect combination of technology and cost-effectiveness

As a generator of this kind of wastewater, due to its industrial chemical cleaning activities, CTP environnement offers an alternative: mobile treatment units, which allow aqueous waste to be pre-treated or concentrated on site. As a direct consequence for customer, the overall costs of transporting and disposal are significantly reduced.

Initially designed to treat effluent from cleaning operations, mobile treatment unit scope also includes special aqueous industrial waste, toxic waste, production residues and leachates.

Depending on the nature of pollutant and their concentrations, they can also be adapted to clean tanks and pools or drain processes, etc.

Highlight on Clearflow® units

Modular, compact and automated, Clearflow® Mobile Treatment Units combine chemical preparation / injection and lamellar settling units, which can maintain an operating flow of up to 70 m3/h (308 gpm)

They can be deployed very quickly to separate suspended solids and hydrocarbons, precipitate metals and salts and remove sulphides, cyanides, phenols and hard organic compounds.

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United Kingdom

A comprehensive treatment solution during a production shutdown

Chemical cleaning followed by effluent treatment using a physico-chemical unit with lamellar settling: Clearflow®, combined with a Geofloc® dewatering process

A major UK player in the O&G asked CTP environment to perform specific work during a maintenance shutdown.


Treatment of effluent generated by cleaning the condenser at a nuclear power plant

Removal of metals using a physico-chemical Clearflow® mobile treatment unit

Steam condensers in nuclear power plants are made up of several smaller condensers, which themselves comprise approximately 21,000 metal tubes circulating cooling water. Due to the hardness of water drawn from the natural environment, the cooling tubes are subject to regular and significant scaling and need to be cleaned using ultra-high-pressure water jets (UHP).


REUSE of stripping effluents from nuclear power plant

Treatment of stripping effluent from a boiler structure in preparation for a surface coating renovation application

CTP environnement set up a treatment solution that provided the customer with several reuse options:

  • Recycling on an ultra-high pressure stripping unit with the following water quality constraints:
    T° < 30°C, pH 6-8, TSS < 5 ppm, COD < 20 ppm, metals < 5 ppm, conductivity < 1000 µS/cm2
  • Refrigeration of pre-treated water
  • Washing and rinsing water
22nd October 2024
CTP joins the French Coq Vert community

Proud to be a company committed to the ecological and environmental transition, we have recently joined this community of managers who are convinced of the need to take action.

21st October 2024
AQUARAMA in Leuven

We took part for the first time in AQUARAMA, a trade fair and conference on water technology for industry and the water sector in Belgium.

18th October 2024
CTP ambiente at the MMH trade fair in Seville

We were present at the fifth edition of the Mining and Minerals Hall (MMH), Europe's leading mining event, which took place from 15 to 17 October 2024 at the Seville Exhibition and Conference Centre (FIBES).
