
Treatment of pit water from a quarry

Effluent treatment using a mobile pH neutralization and flocculation unit: Neutramobil® Plus
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Treatment of pit water from a quarry


In order to guarantee the continued operation of one of its French sites, a major mining and quarrying operator asked CTP environnement to manage its pit water. This water needed to be treated before being discharged in a sensitive area (Natura 2000). Acid and high concentration in suspended solid was the main concerns.

CTP environnement developed a treatment solution, which was both mobile and easy to install, tailored to the site’s issue (no industrial or mains water) and needing very little operation.


The Neutramobil® Plus unit’s features:

The unit is controlled 24/7 by a PLC, which automatically triggers cleaning as soon as water is detected in the quarry and produces reports in a format based on the client’s standards.


By combining preliminary studies, excellent cooperation between those involved, continuous operation and technical support, with employee training, the schedule and commitments were adhered to:

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