
Online remediation of a cooling water circuit

Removal of hydrocarbons from the cooling water circuit by means of de-oiling and filtering
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Online remediation of a cooling water circuit


The cooling water system of a power generation site had become contaminated with hydrocarbon pollution.

This circuit, with a volume of 180 m3 (234 yd3), had a total oil and grease concentration of 320 mg/l with a maximum target of 10 mg/l, i.e. a target decrease of 97 %. The objective was to intervene effectively on this circuit without stopping production.

CTP environnement's solution consisted of diverting a fraction of the flow to a temporary treatment plant, then reinjecting the treated water into the refrigeration circuit.

The diverted flow, of the order of 1 m3/h (4,4 gpm), is insignificant for cooling; this meant the operation was possible without disruption to the system.


The temporary treatment system deployed by CTP environnement consisted of an oil separator, a bag filtration stage, and a finalising stage on activated carbon.

This system allows a widespread reduction of the total, soluble and insoluble, oils and grease.

The installation, fully automated and secure, also allowed an exceptionally economical and continuous 24h/24, 7d/7 treatment.


Key project figures :

22nd October 2024
CTP joins the French Coq Vert community

Proud to be a company committed to the ecological and environmental transition, we have recently joined this community of managers who are convinced of the need to take action.

21st October 2024
AQUARAMA in Leuven

We took part for the first time in AQUARAMA, a trade fair and conference on water technology for industry and the water sector in Belgium.

18th October 2024
CTP ambiente at the MMH trade fair in Seville

We were present at the fifth edition of the Mining and Minerals Hall (MMH), Europe's leading mining event, which took place from 15 to 17 October 2024 at the Seville Exhibition and Conference Centre (FIBES).
