
Rendering the groundwater on a former industrial site compliant before being discharged

Water treatment using a mobile clarification bundled with a sludge conditioning/dewatering unit: Geofloc®
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Rendering the groundwater on a former industrial site compliant before being discharged


A major player in all areas of the construction sector - property development, design and construction of all kinds of buildings - contacted CTP environnement for the treatment of groundwater on a former industrial site before discharging it into the municipality’s sewage system.

CTP environnement designed a treatment solution, which was mobile, liftable with a crane for installation and laboratory tested upstream, while also meeting the site’s requirements in terms of cost, deadlines and infrastructures:


By perfectly coordinating operations, commitments were adhered to:

The support of our partners, as well as the strategy adopted and tailored to constraints, helped to achieve this successful outcome by combining:

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CTP joins the French Coq Vert community

Proud to be a company committed to the ecological and environmental transition, we have recently joined this community of managers who are convinced of the need to take action.

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AQUARAMA in Leuven

We took part for the first time in AQUARAMA, a trade fair and conference on water technology for industry and the water sector in Belgium.

18th October 2024
CTP ambiente at the MMH trade fair in Seville

We were present at the fifth edition of the Mining and Minerals Hall (MMH), Europe's leading mining event, which took place from 15 to 17 October 2024 at the Seville Exhibition and Conference Centre (FIBES).
