
Industrial effluent

Discharge compliance upgrade
All industries
Modular mobile units
In response to all issues

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Industrial effluent Discharge compliance upgrade

Compliance with

In a persistent and/or accidental way, local authorities, energy operators and industries produce effluent that is not compatible with environmental discharge standards. Without having relevant and available solutions for dealing with these pollution issues, CTP environnement’s engineering expertise is brought forward with its innovative and unique on-site solutions to neutralise or reduce waste and pollutants for cost-effective disposal.

Mobile units for all industries

Water is widely used to perform numerous operations: washing items, cleaning vessels, pipework, workshop floors, heating or cooling items, carrying out chemical reactions in an aqueous environment, transporting items via pipelines, etc.

Considering this substantial variety of water uses, in terms of both quantity and quality, CTP environnement has designed a range of mobile units that take account of this plurality.

  • Aeromobil®: Oil & Gas, petrochemistry, papermills, food processing
  • Biomobil®: landfills leachate, high nitrogen content stream
  • Clearflow®: household waste incineration plants, petrochemicals, nuclear plants
  • Geofloc®: thermal power plants, incineration, nuclear plants, mining and quarrying, Oil &Gas, steel plant, textile industry

Highlight on the Neutramobil unit

CTP environnement is constantly developing new units to reinforce its competitive edge: reactivity, high level of quality, adaptability during ongoing projects, etc. We have adopted an empirical approach based on systematic trials and tests, which allows us to guarantee results.

With increasing environmental requirements in terms of protecting water resources and the wildlife, the Neutramobil unit has been designed to meet the needs of industrial operators, which are subject to ever more stringent regulations.

It responds to various situations, including treating acidic (pH 4) wastewater from a quarry with a high suspended matter content (clay, sludge). The Neutramobil unit enables treated water to be discharged into the environment within consent discharge (pH neutral and particle-free).

Make your selection

Rendering the groundwater on a former industrial site compliant before being discharged

Water treatment using a mobile clarification bundled with a sludge conditioning/dewatering unit: Geofloc®

A major player in all areas of the construction sector - property development, design and construction of all kinds of buildings - contacted CTP environnement for the treatment of groundwater on a former industrial site before discharging it into the municipality’s sewage system.


Rendering waste fire-fighting water compliant

Effluent treatment using a physico-chemical Clearflow® mobile unit before discharge into the site’s biological treatment plant

A major fire broke out on our client’s site during maintenance of a waterjet tank. The fire-fighting water contained different concentrations of product and fire debris (soluble and insoluble carbon pollution) in addition to an emulsifier, which was usually biodegradable.


Treatment of pit water from a quarry

Effluent treatment using a mobile pH neutralization and flocculation unit: Neutramobil® Plus

In order to guarantee the continued operation of one of its French sites, a major mining and quarrying operator asked CTP environnement to manage its pit water. This water needed to be treated before being discharged in a sensitive area (Natura 2000). Acid and high concentration in suspended solid was the main concerns.


Treatment of radioactive effluent from a nuclear power plant’s reactor building

Online dewatering of sludge generated by the hydrodemolition of concrete blocks

CTP environnement was asked to define and implement a solution for treating effluent generated by the partial demolition of a reactor building’s structure for subsequent renovation. The effluent in question was liquid sludge containing mineral matter (demolished concrete) and metal (descaled steel) at a concentration of 5 to 20 g/L.

6th June 2024
CTP environnement group at the SIWW from 19 to 21st June 2024

We will be present at the Singapore International Water Week (SIWW), one of the world’s premier platforms to share and co-create innovative water, coastal and flood solutions to meet urban water and climate challenges.

More about the exhibition

We are looking foward to meeting you in Singapore and introducing you to the best solutions for the industrials issues we face today.

3rd May 2024
CTP environnement group at the IFAT Munich from 13th to 17th May 2024

We will share a booth at the world's leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management.

More about the exhibition

It brings together the most important international industry representatives from politics, business and science. And it offers exciting ideas and innovative solutions for industrial and municipal challenges.

8th April 2024
New website for our North American subsidiaries !

To support its expansion, CTP environment America (USA & Canada) has launched its dedicated website for North America.

Following few months of development in order to show you the best of our services, our innovative solutions in chemical cleaning and mobile water treatment are just a click away !

Check out the new website
