
Press releases

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Les Echos - Capital Finance

The CTP environnement group is continuing to expand, with Andera Partners taking over from BNP Paribas Développement, one of the company's historic financial partners, alongside its management team and around fifty senior employees.

Bpifrance, a shareholder since 2005 which has already supported the company's first three by-outs, is reinvesting through France Investissement Energie Environnement 2.

This operation marks the start of a strategic development phase for the group, which aims to roll out its range of services to a customer portfolio that has been expanded to include a variety of industries, and to grow the business of its subsidiaries in Europe and North America in particular. External growth opportunities, following on from the acquisition of PLM Equipements in 2022, will also be a key driver of value creation for the Group.

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