
Chemical cleaning

Cooling towers
Water side sanitation,
disinfection and descaling

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Chemical cleaning Cooling towers

In response to
the challenges
of offline cleaning

Preventive and curative cleaning of cooling towers and their related circuits represent services with significant challenges:

  • Health and environmental challenges: controlling the risk of Legionnaire’s disease, end-to-end management of by-products, etc.
  • Legal and image-related challenges: liability and brand image in the event of contamination, relations with the Regional Board for Industry, Research and Environment, etc.
  • Technical challenges: the effectiveness of cleaning and related work, site safety, etc.
  • Economic challenges: limiting production stoppages, the performance of facilities, the longevity of equipment, etc.

Experience and compliance with statutory requirements

CTP environnement has been performing these operations on behalf of its clients since the early 2000s, by following the recommendations of the Guide to Good Practice, and in accordance with the applicable regulations:

  • Statutory pre-disinfection
  • Complete draining
  • Mechanical and/or chemical cleaning
  • Disinfection

Our operations are carried out by trained personnel with the necessary resources to prevent risks.

We can also supply and install wear parts: packing, droplet separators, spray nozzles, etc.

Make your selection

Chemical cleaning of an air-cooled heat exchanger for a nuclear plant’s pool water

Descaling a cooling tower by chemical circulation

CTP environnement’s teams were contracted to clean a 12 m (39 ft) long and 4 m (13 ft) high heat exchanger, which equated to approximately 2 tons of residue, primarily made up of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).


Annual cleaning of the water loop in thermal power plant

Mechanical cleaning of the cooling tower and steam condenser during shutdown

Every year, our client cleans the water loop on its production site to:

  • Comply with the statutory requirements for cooling towers
  • Restore the steam condenser performance to its original level

A complete cleaning service with the replacement of cooling tower packing

High-pressure mechanical cleaning, packing replacement using a crane and waste disposal

Our client, a leading player in the chemical industry, asked CTP environnement to carry out mechanical cleaning of the cooling tower for the water supplied to its workshops, and to clean the tank (not including pumping out).


Cleaning cooling towers during a production shutdown

Mechanical cleaning of 4 cells and 2 tanks (hot and cold water)

During the periodic shutdown of part of its plant, our client contacted CTP environnement for the complete cleaning of facilities in which the method used could no longer be sustained because of changes to regulations.

22nd October 2024
CTP joins the French Coq Vert community

Proud to be a company committed to the ecological and environmental transition, we have recently joined this community of managers who are convinced of the need to take action.

21st October 2024
AQUARAMA in Leuven

We took part for the first time in AQUARAMA, a trade fair and conference on water technology for industry and the water sector in Belgium.

18th October 2024
CTP ambiente at the MMH trade fair in Seville

We were present at the fifth edition of the Mining and Minerals Hall (MMH), Europe's leading mining event, which took place from 15 to 17 October 2024 at the Seville Exhibition and Conference Centre (FIBES).
